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Nice to know

Welcome to „Nice to know“

This is the right place for valuable tips on brocade fabrics. In our videos we will show you how to care for brocade fabrics correctly. Learn how to cut large quantities of fabric efficiently, how to wash your fabrics properly and how much fabric you need for your outfit. Practical instructions for retailers, designers, tailors and anyone who loves high-quality Getzner fabrics.

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How much brocade do I need for my outfit

In this video, we explain how much brocade fabric you need for different types of garments. Practical tips for your sewing projects!

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Guide to wash clothes made of Brocade

Learn how to properly wash and care for your brocade garments to maintain their quality and beauty. Step-by-step instructions for the best results.

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How to cut brocade the easiest way

 In this video, we show you how you efficiently divide 30 yards of brocade into 5 or 10 yards. Perfect for retailers!

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