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Männer in Damast unterwegs zum Freitagsgebet

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Bonne fête de Ramadan

Take a short break and travel with us to Mali. There, at the famous "Grand Marché" in Bamako, African creatives captured the colorfulness, brilliance and vibrancy of our fine brocade.

A video that we would like to share with you to celebrate the end of Ramadan.

“Lutteurs” wear fabrics from Getzner

What do La Lutte and Getzner have in common? The national sport has a long tradition in Senegal and damask is also worn at traditional festivities. This is how the idea for a special photo series in Dakar was born. 

Runway Dakar

For over 40 years, we have been connected with West Africa through our brocade. Years in which friendships were formed, in which we were allowed to get to know the beauty of the West African landscapes and experience the culture. Join us on a journey where our brocade meets the beauty and liveliness of these countries.

Getzner Textil builds maternity ward in Mali

With the expansion of the health centre CSCOM (Centre de Santé Communautaire) by a maternity ward in Bamako, the capital of Mali, thousands of people gain access to faster and safer health care. Women and children in particular benefit from this.


Getzner Textil and Bathily Business Group: Family businesses at eye level

For decades now, the Bathily Business Group in Mali has been one of the most im-portant distribution partners of our Business Unit Africa.


New "Sy Getzner" boutique in Dakar

A new "Sy Getzner" boutique was recently opened in the "Sea Plaza" shopping centre in Senegal's capital Dakar. Modernly furnished, bright and with a wide range of brocade fabrics - made in Austria.

The zeitgeist of young Senegal

At a fashion event in Dakar, 5 young designers showeded a creative approach to the material brocade. We are thrilled with the designs!

Frau steht mit Kleinkind vor Gemüsestand

A maternity and paediatric’s ward for 45,000 people

In Siribala (Mali), Getzner has built a maternity and paediatric’s ward together with the Kinderhilfswerk and the entire village community, giving people direct access to gynaecological care, obstetrics and paediatric care.

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