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Getzner Textil AG in Bludenz represents the headquarters of the company. This is where it produces the high-quality Getzner fabrics.

Whistleblowing System

Whistleblowing System

Getzner Textil takes the topic Compliance very seriously. Getzner Textil promotes and insists on the personal responsibility of each individual employee to comply with the statutory provisions and other external and internal regulations as well as of all persons associated with our company in the course of their business.

Getzner Textil is aware that the ability to report compliance violations is a key element of a good compliance organization. It is crucial that misconduct or wrongdoing is identified, investigated and eliminated at an early stage. Therefore, Getzner Textil has established a confidential whistleblowing system in accordance with the EU Whistleblower Directive (Directive (EU) 2019/1937 of 23 October 2019) that also allows anonymous reports.


Getzner Textil offers various options for submitting reports:

• Via the online whistleblowing system
Information can be submitted easily and, if desired, anonymously via the online whistleblowing system “EQS Integrity Line”. 

• By e-mail
Any suspicion of a compliance violation can be reported in writing by e-mail to the compliance address Y29tcGxpYW5jZUBnZXR6bmVyLmF0.


Please note that you must always act in good faith when making a report. This means that you must assume at the time of reporting that the facts you have reported are true. Reports must not be submitted improperly. The reporting of knowingly false or untrue information is not permitted.

In the event of doubt, the relevant information is not being presented as fact, but as a presumption, judgment or statement by other persons.

In the case of abusive reports, it should be noted that the person making the report may even be liable to prosecution if they knowingly assert untrue facts about other persons.


Whistleblower protection

In accordance with the EU Whistleblower Directive (Directive (EU) 2019/1937 of 23 October 2019) and the corresponding national implementation laws, Getzner Textil ensures that whistleblowers do not have to expect negative consequences of any kind (as long as the report is not made improperly).

Thank You for Your Support!

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